Film and Theatre Permissions

Glagoslav Publications controls film rights on titles in its catalogue with a few exceptions.
Producers can email a general enquiry to Maxim Hodak at m.hodak(at)

Glagoslav Publications controls theatre rights on titles in its catalogue with a few exceptions. Are you considering a stage adaptation of a Glagoslav Publications book? Whether you are a professional or amateur, rules apply to all and here’s what you need to do.

Step 1 – submit an enquiry to Glagoslav Publications at contact(at) including the following information:

  • Book title, author
  • Purpose of stage production (profit, non-profit, fundraiser, partial reading, festival, etc.)
  • Length of stage production and
    whether or not the entire book will undergo adaptation
  • Name and address of the theatre (or an alternative setting) where the performance will take place
  • Date of the first performance
  • Duration of the first season
  • Whether or not intended for syndication
  • Name of playwright, name of play producer
  • Whether or not art from the chosen book will be used in theatre decorations
  • Your contact details
  • Other relevant information

Step 2 – allow for two weeks while we process your enquiry. If you do not hear from us after two weeks, re-submit your enquiry including the date of the original submission and allow for two weeks response time.

Please note that you have to have Glagoslav’s official permission to perform a play based on one or more of its titles before you start rehearsing.

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