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Recently European Studies Blog wrote with regards to the Ukrainian literature that “Hopefully English translations will follow, thanks to the publishing house Glagoslav”. 

European Studies Blog/British Library

Saskia Veen of VPRO speaks to managing editor and publisher Maxim Hodak about the Ukrainian literature.

Saskia Veen, VPRO 

“Recently, Publishing Perspectives spoke to managing editor and publisher Maxim Hodak, an entertainment and media lawyer turned literary entrepreneur about running a niche press in a climate traditionally tough for translated works.”

Bringing the Best of Russian and Other Slavic Literature to the West/PUBLISHING PERSPECTIVES

Alice Lagnado of Voice of Russia radio in London interviews Maxim Hodak of the Glagoslav publishing house during the London Book Fair 2012.

VOICE OF RUSSIA radio, London 

Andrey Kurkov: “True, attracting the attention of the British reading public to contemporary Ukrainian writing could be a very tough challenge. However, we are hopeful that the wave of success that Ukrainian books are having on the continent will wash over a little onto the shores of the British Isles. And actually this work has already begun – Glagoslav has translated and published a number of books by contemporary Ukrainian authors including a novel by Maria Matios, who is definitely the author most deserving of international attention.”


“UBI spoke to Maxim Hodak, Managing Director and publisher at Glagoslav to discover how the company came into existence and how it plans to launch Ukrainian literature in English into the hugely competitive Western book publishing Industry…”


Glagoslav Publications Director Maxim Hodak’s is interviewed by Chik Radio, Monte Carlo during a cultural event Ukrainian on Cote d’Azur in Nice, France, where Glagoslav presented the launch of a new book.

CHIK RADIO, Monte Carlo (Russian)

Belarusian TV news channel ONT interviews Glagoslav’s director Maxim Hodak and marketing manager Yana Kovalskaya about featured Belarusian titles. Glagoslav Publications brings works of renowned Belarusian authors to the London Book Fair 2013.

Glagoslav Publications on ONT Belarus

Glagoslav Publications takes part in the Dutch-Russian bilateral year NLRF2013. In an interview to the Dutch network BNR during President Vladimir Putin’s visit to the Netherlands, Glagoslav’s director Maxim Hodak talks about intricacies of doing business with Russia and publishing Russian books in translation.

BNR Radio

Dutch literary magazine BoekBlad features Glagoslav Publications.

Uigeverij Glagoslav promoot Slavische boek in Nederland/BOEKBLAD magazine (Dutch)

Glagoslav Publications is featured in an article by Renso van Bergen of the OEKRAINE MAGAZINE, the Netherlands, 2012.

Slavische Literatuur/OEKRAINE MAGAZINE (Dutch)

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