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Heroes of the ’90s



Authors: Alexander Solovev, Vladislav Dorofeev and Valeria Bashkirova

Translator: Huw Davies

Heroes of the 90s is a book composed by journalists of the newspaper Kommersant. The book sheds light on the transformation of the USSR and the country’s social, state, financial, economic and civic institutions into a new state — the Russian Federation. The book covers Russia’s first decade as a new country, the turbulent 90s that formed Russia’s reality today. The book revisits the storming of the White House, the allocation of vouchers in attempts to set up a new economy of private ownership, Boris Yeltsin and the Chechen wars, hired killers, Ponzi schemes and financial crises, Boris Berezovsky, Anatoly Chubais and others.


Heroes of the 90s is a book composed by journalists of the newspaper Kommersant. The book sheds light on the transformation of the USSR and the country’s social, state, financial, economic and civic institutions into a new state — the Russian Federation. The book covers Russia’s first decade as a new country, the turbulent 90s that formed Russia’s reality today. The book revisits the storming of the White House, the allocation of vouchers in attempts to set up a new economy of private ownership, Boris Yeltsin and the Chechen wars, hired killers, Ponzi schemes and financial crises, Boris Berezovsky, Anatoly Chubais and others.

The book is based on facts and testimonies from those who lived through the era, many of whom share their stories with the world for the first time.

Heroes of the 90s offers to the western reader, for the first time in history, a rare opportunity to learn about the developments in the post-Soviet Russia from the perspectives of the Russian journalists who have spent years investigating the ups and downs of the period.

Glagoslav Publications neither shares nor assumes responsibility for author’s political and other views and opinions as expressed or interpreted in this book.

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Valeria Bashkirova

Valeria Bashkirova is a famous journalists of Kommersant newspaper.

Vladislav Dorofeev

Authors of Heroes of the 90s are journalists and editors of the newspaper Kommersant, the first daily business publication in Russia. The team of Kommersant saw its purpose in delivering news as a working tool for entrepreneurs. No evaluations, no author’s own conclusions – just pure facts.

Vladislav Dorofeev, chief of special projects of Kommersant Publishing House, works in various periodicals, on television and radio, and in information agencies, having come a long way in his 25 years of career in the industry – from a reporter and a special correspondent to the general director. Dorofeev graduated from Tula Technical College specializing in engineering, then Department of Journalism of Moscow State University. Today Vladislav is actively involved in literary pursuits; his genres are documentary novels, romances and collections of poetry. Vladislav Dorofeev was nominated for the Russian Bestseller Prize in 2003 and Russian Bunin Prize in 2005.

Alexander Solovev

Alexander Solovev has been the Editor-in-Chief of Kommersant Publishing Houseand since 2000 works in Kommersant Secret of the Firm where he oversees international projects. He has a college degree in Oriental Studies.

Endorsements and Review Quotes

“Heroes wird seinem Anspruch voll gerecht. Es dokumentiert sorgfältig und ausgewogen das zeitgenössische Meinungsspektrum mit allen widersprüchlichen Bewertungen. Dem Leser wird keine fertige Interpretation präsentiert. […] Alle Informationen werden kompetent präsentiert. Der Aufbau erlaubt, überall mit der Lektüre zu beginnen. Heroes sei allen am Thema Interessierten wärmstens zur Lektüre empfohlen.” Stephan Merl, Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas

“Perhaps reflective of the turbulence of its period, HotN is a crazy, eventful, somewhat overwhelming book.” J.T.Russia Reviewed

“Heroes of the 90s. People and money, written by business correspondents, is something of another summing-up or an alternative textbook on the most recent history. Seems more like the latter. The book even includes a glossary of the 90s (monetary corridor, Xerox box, to soak in the toilet and such) and a chronological table with main dates and personalities. And in between – brief and strict accounts of events and their participants, the creators thereof.” AFISHA.RU

Dimensions N/A

Alexander Solovev, Vladislav Dorofeev and Valeria Bashkirova


442 pages

Book Format

Hardcover, Paperback, EPUB, Kindle, PDF

Publication date

15th December 2014

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