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Time of the Octopus


Author: Anatoly Kucherena

Translators: John Farndon with Akbota Sultanbekova and Olga Nakston

Narrated by: William P. Ryan

In Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport, fugitive US intelligence officer Joshua Kold is held in limbo, unable to leave the airport’s transit area. He is on the run, after blowing the lid off the terrifying reach of covert American global surveillance operations. Will the Russian authorities grant him asylum, or will they hand him over the clutches of the global octopus eager for revenge for his betrayal?

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A frightening, prophetic vision of our world…

In Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport, fugitive US intelligence officer Joshua Kold is held in limbo, unable to leave the airport’s transit area. He is on the run, after blowing the lid off the terrifying reach of covert American global surveillance operations. Will the Russian authorities grant him asylum, or will they hand him over the clutches of the global octopus eager for revenge for his betrayal?

As this gripping psychological and political thriller unfolds, a Moscow lawyer takes Kold to a secret bunker and grills him intently on just why he did it. Upon Kold’s answers hang not only his own fate, but much, much more as the true extent of this chilling 1984 world unfolds.

Anatoly Kucherena is the famous Russian lawyer who took on the case of the American whistleblower Edward Snowden whose revelations about US intelligence operations sent shockwaves around the world in 2013. Time of the Octopus is a fiction, but it is based on Kucherena’s own interviews with Snowden at Sheremetyevo, and provides the basis for Oliver Stone’s major Hollywood movie Snowden starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, one of the movie events of 2016.

According to Stone, “Anatoly has written a ‘grand inquisitor’-style Russian novel weighing the soul of his fictional whistleblower against the gravity of a 1984 tyranny that has achieved global proportions. His meditations on the meaning of totalitarian power in the 21st century make for a chilling, prescient horror story.”

Is Kold simply a traitor, or the courageous hero of a terrifying struggle against the dark forces of oppression?

Published with the support of the Institute for Literary Translation, Russia.

Glagoslav Publications neither shares nor assumes responsibility for author’s political and other views and opinions as expressed or interpreted in this book.

Dimensions N/A

Anatoly Kucherena


254 pages

Publication date

30th January 2017

Book Format

Hardcover, Paperback, EPUB, Kindle, PDF


Anatoly Kucherena is one of Russia’s leading lawyers, as well as a highly successful author of thriller fiction and philosophical tracts, such as Magna Charters: How Human Rights Were Melt in the Fire of Four Revolutions (2011). Born in Moldavia in 1960, Kucherena early turned to the law, where he has proved his mettle again and again and became a Doctor of Law in 2003. He now serves on many key public bodies, such as the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation for countering corruption and the Public Council of the Russian Federal Security Service.  He has also taken on many high profile cases besides Snowden’s, including the successful defence of Tamara Rokhlin, accused of murdering her husband General Lev Rokhlin. He still works with Snowden on a pro bono basis.


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